Providing quality homes for those who need them most

At Sunflower Homes, we are passionate in our mission to raise the standard of supported living and accessible homes

Supported living can be described as a living arrangement for a tenant who has support needs. We work with charities, registered providers and local authorities providing much needed homes to tenants with additional needs. We also work with private investors to assist them to make sustainable investments whilst creating homes for those who need them most

Is freedom anything else than the right to live as we wish? Nothing else.


Positive Design

We are passionate about proving spaces that are well designed, that are not only adapted to the tenants requirements but also create an environment that evokes calm and a feeling of safety. We call this ‘positive design’

We use images of nature, natural materials, and earthy tones create a soothing, more welcoming environment.

A bespoke service

We understand that every tenant will have their own needs and requirements, that’s why it is important that we understand as much as we can about their initial and ongoing needs and we can adapt our properties to suit them.

Get in touch

If you would like to speak to us about supported and accessible living, whether that is as a registered provider or investor, we would love to hear from you